Sorry, but it looks like I blew it in Round 3 today. Yeah, I’m gutted. No, I don’t actually know the result. But yes, I did balls it up somewhat. And, frustratingly, it was the driving rather than the fitness that let me down. I guess I should just accept I’m not good enough. Hard to bear. :/ Anyway, here’s a run-down of the day. The driving came first today, with the fitness test following after a lunch break. The first of three sessions on the airfield was an unassisted (by tutor) run around the circuit we were already familiar with. This time, however, the marker cones for braking points and turn-in points had been removed. It took me a few laps to sort out my lines, but I improved enough for there still to be a glimmer of hope. After the second run, the glimmer had turned into a blinding light. I rocked in the second session. This time, we ran the track backwards, with a detour for an extra chicane and hairpin. Again, we were to get no advice from the tu...