So then, my first spot of karting since July 2002. Long overdue. Taking a couple of laps to get familiar with various circuit changes and, indeed, the whole experience of being back in a kart, I noticed I was failing to pull away from Lindsay. Belated Christmas present or no, my competitive instinct kicked in. There was no way I was going let that continue. ;) With overalls flapping like a WW1 fighter pilot’s scarf, I set about February’s arrive-n-drive lap record in my usual ragged manner. In fact, I really need to remember to tuck the overalls into my socks next time I go to Gateshead. A couple of times, when coming into the first hairpin, the overalls caught on a bolt somewhere near the brake pedal. Cue a reduced ability to slow the kart down and a few very sideways moments as I threw it around the corner. I’d like to claim that this was the reason for my spin half way through the session, but... well... that was just me asking too much of the kart. :) As th...